The Path To Finding Work You Love

Finding Work You Love
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The path to finding work you love can be very frustrating!

It usually involves numerous road bumps, u-turns and several dead ends.

It shouldn’t be so difficult should it?

Well it isn’t if you have a guide.

Our main goal here at the Dream Work Project is to “guide” as many people as possible down that path without too many bumps and bruises.

In “guiding” people over the years we have come to realize that people are at different points on that path when it comes to finding their Dream Work.

Some are at the very beginning of the path and are just getting ready to start their journey.

Others are about half way down the path and they are at a fork in the road and aren’t sure which way to go.

And some are moving down the path making great time but want to be sure they are headed in the right direction.

As “guides” on this path what we have found is that people that are on this path to finding more meaningful work usually fit into 1 of the 3 groups listed below.

  • Group #1 – The people is this group don’t really know what they are passionate about or what their purpose or mission is when is comes to their job. They also don’t know what skills or strengths they have and how to put it all together to find work they love. How we help – To start we help them articulate what it is that they are truly passionate about. We dig down deep and help them own their passions. We help them learn about themselves and focus on how their personality and behavioral traits affect them in the work environment. We also help them identify their specific skills, strengths and motivators when it comes to “work”. And finally we help them figure out their WHY (or mission or purpose) when it comes to their dream work. Finding work you love becomes a lot easier when you know what it is that truly fires you up and the WHY behind it!
  • Group #2 – The people is this group are the ones who have identified their passion (and maybe their mission) and now need help TAKING ACTION. How we help – Identifying your passion is only part of finding work you love. Passion by itself won’t pay the bills so we need to do more. For this group our focus is to really help determine the best way to move forward. Should you start your own company or just look for a new place to work? In short we help you validate your business ideas or determine your next career move so you can get moving! Once we choose a direction we lay out an action plan to help move you down the path to ultimately doing the work you love.
  • Group #3 – The people in this group have clearly identified and are doing their Dream Work. This group needs support to reach their desired level of success and impact. How we help – We help this group in a few different ways. Our mastermind group offers support and ongoing business coaching that covers everything from marketing and sales to networking and scaling your business. We have an awesome network of changemakers willing to help you grow your business! We do everything we can to help the people who are doing their Dream Work because we know that passionate people with a WHY can make a dent in the world.

As you can see each of these 3 groups need help in a different area when it comes to navigating the path to finding their Dream Work.

As “guides” our job becomes a lot easier once we identify which group you fall into so we can concentrate on the things that will help you the most.

So where are you at on the path to finding work you love?