My New Years Resolution For You

New Years 2016 - Dream Work Project
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Well thats it!

The holidays have finally come an gone.

As the year came to an end I am sure you are like most people.

You thought about how last 12 months have been and what you wanted for yourself during the next 12.

And also like most people you probably have made some sort of New Years Resolutions for 2016.

Well I have also but mine are probably a little bit different than yours.

You see one of my biggest revolutions for 2016 is about YOU not me.

The resolution is simple really although it may not be easy.

So what is my resolution for YOU this year?

It really should not come as a big surprise but here it is…

My resolution for you is to finally FIND OR CREATE THE WORK YOU LOVE!

It’s what this entire site is about I know.

But you see my biggest aspiration is to help as many people as I can find their dream work.

So instead of the traditional resolutions like getting into shape or saving more money I put this one at the top of my list.

But here is the catch…

Most New Years Resolutions FAIL!

The research (depending on which study you read) says that only about 8-10% of the people who have new years resolutions actually accomplish them.

That sounds about right since I have seen it for years in the gym.

You know the story…

The whole “new year new you” campaigns bring in plenty of people in January who are eager to lose weight.

They sign up for their gym membership and then come in for a few workouts.

They wander around a do a few reps on this machine or that one but without any real rhyme or reason.

As the days (and in rare cases weeks) go by something happens.

The excitement has worn off and reality has come knocking.

“Life” starts to happen again and getting up for that 6am workout doesnt really sound nearly as appealing as it did a few weeks ago.

And then there is the scale. The one that is barely budging.

They realize that the results are coming too slowly and that it takes much more than just coming into the gym for a workout to get into shape.

Then they start to get discouraged and eventually stop coming to altogether.

Do you want to know why this happens?

It happens because they don’t have a game plan to accomplish their new goal.

Even though they have the best intentions without a path to follow they fail.

But do you want to know who succeeds under the same circumstances?

The person with a goal AND a plan of action to accomplish it.

The people with the highest percentage of success usually have a professional to help them.

They hire a personal trainer (a professional trainer not some part time rep counter) who lays out a strategy for them to hit their weight loss goal.

They design a workout, nutrition and cardio plan specially for them in order for them to get on the path to success.

So how does that relate to my resolution for you?

Its the same concept really.

Is your goal to find your dream job?

A new job and career that will be more fulfilling and engaging?

Something that fires you up inside so much that you cant wait for Monday morning?

Well if that is your goal for 2016 then you need a game plan.

You need a path to follow to help you clarify who you are and what you want from your job.

Don’t be like the gym goers that you will see this week.

Don’t have a goal as important as finding the work you love go by the waste side after a few weeks.

Don’t settle for mediocre!

Lets set a goal, create a plan and move forward…together.

Be smart and get on the right path and make 2016 the year you finally find or create your dream work!

Our next Dream Work Academy starts soon – CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS!