28 Random Signs That You Should Quit Your Job…Like Now!

Signs You Should Quit Your Job
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28 Random Signs You Should Probably Quit Your Job…Like Now

I talk to people almost everyday about how they feel about their jobs or careers.

After a few interesting conversations this past week I thought I would just list some random thoughts about the most common signs I see and hear from people that need to quit their job sooner than later.

So here is my list in no particular order…

  1. You are bored and watch the clock move ever so sloooooowly
  2. You have lost (or never had) passion for the work you do AND don’t see that happening anytime soon
  3. The money sucks
  4. You have no desire to learn more about your job or industry
  5. The hours suck
  6. You couldn’t care less about having new ideas that would help or benefit the company
  7. The commute sucks
  8. You feel like no one gives a shit
  9. You don’t give a shit
  10. You don’t participate or volunteer for anything outside of your regular working hours
  11. The company culture sucks
  12. You feel like the leaders or managers don’t give a shit about you and your goals
  13. You feel like a no one
  14. You feel dispensable
  15. You feel like no one values your input
  16. You aren’t recognized or appreciated for your work
  17. No one ever says “Thank you” or “Good job”
  18. You dread waking up and getting ready to go to work almost everyday…not just Mondays
  19. You live for the weekends
  20. You don’t see any gold at the end of the rainbow
  21. You feel like what you do doesn’t have meaning or purpose
  22. You feel like what you do isn’t important and/or doesn’t really matter to anyone else
  23. You feel like your job isn’t making IMPACT or the difference in the world that you want to make
  24. You don’t really care about the people you or your company serves
  25. You aren’t using your unique strengths or “genius”
  26. You simply aren’t happy
  27. You feel trapped
  28. You have a nagging feeling down deep inside that you are made to do something different…something better with your life!

How many of these signs are TRUE for you? How many can you really relate to?

Obviously the more responses that are TRUE for you or that you can strongly relate to the more convinced I am that you need to quit your job and design the work that makes you truly happy.

Life is way too short to not do the things that FIRE YOU UP the most!

Wouldn’t you agree?