Are You Doing STUFF That Matters?
Are you doing STUFF that really MATTERS? We know that one of the factors of having a DREAM JOB is to have a way to help people in a meaningful way. We know that there is a direct correlation between having a fulfilling career and doing work that really matters. So my question to you…
Don’t Follow Your Passion…Do This Instead

Don’t follow your passion! There I said it. But wait… Why? And what should you do instead? Well let’s see here… This whole “follow your passion” is a tricky subject isn’t it? So today we’re gonna dig in and talk about one of the best tools that we use with our coaching clients when dealing with this advice…
Find Your Purpose At Work – The Reality

How do you find your purpose at work? Nearly everyone I talk to wants to find their reason for doing what they do or their ultimate “why” in their life and their work. And they should! A big part of finding a job, career, or work that you really love involves finding what is meaningful to…
Why I named it the Dream “WORK” Project instead of the Dream “JOB” Project

When I first started thinking about what I wanted to name this site I had a difficult time. I knew that I really wanted to help people find a job or career that they were passionate about. I knew that I wanted to help them find a job or a career that kept them engaged…
DWP007: Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli – How His Passion For Dance Turned Him Into An Internationally Known “B-Boy” With A Mission

Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli is an internationally known “b-boy” or breakdancer who has an inspirational story to tell. Luca was born with a rare disorder called Arthrogryposis that limits muscle growth and joint movement in his legs. Luca shares how he grew up and used his passions to tell a story and be a true inspiration…
DWP005: Tami Enright – How An Undiscovered Passion Turned Into Work That Matters

On Episode #5 of the Dream Work Project Podcast I have Tami Enright from the Bee Cause Project on the show. Tami has a great story about how she stumbled upon a passion that she never would have imagined. She goes on to tell us her entire story about how she turned this “hidden” passion…
DWP003: Betty Esperanza -Skateboards For Hope

In this episode of The Dream Work Project Podcast I talk to Betty Esperanza, the founder of Skateboards For Hope. Betty discusses her journey to find and pursue the works see loves. She reflects back on some of the skills she has, even at an early age, and how she has been able to “connect…
Hate Your Job? Become An Intrapreneur

It is a well known fact that most people really don’t like their jobs. As a matter of fact its the main reason we started this website. The good news is that there are many ways to find and do the work you love. One of the most popular suggestions that we make to out…
Is Being An Entrepreneur The Only Way To Do Work You Love?

Becoming and being an entrepreneur sounds so glamorous doesn’t it? You get to work for yourself without some dumb boss telling you what to do and when to do it. You get to work (oftentimes) when and how you want. You get to make millions of dollars working from the beach…well maybe not that part…
The Path To Finding Work You Love

The path to finding work you love can be very frustrating! It usually involves numerous road bumps, u-turns and several dead ends. It shouldn’t be so difficult should it? Well it isn’t if you have a guide. Our main goal here at the Dream Work Project is to “guide” as many people as possible down that path…