Finding Your Dream Job – The First Step

Find Your Dream Job
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Do you want to know the first step for finding your dream job?

The first step that most people don’t even take the time out of their busy lives to do?

The thing that is an absolute necessity when it comes to finding your dream job and doing the work you love?

Do you really want to know?

The answer is CLARITY.

The critical first step when it comes to finding your dream job is to get CRYSTAL CLEAR on exactly what it is that you want.

Most people we talk to and clients that we coach have never really sat back and taken the time to think about what it is that they really want.

So how do you actually get clear on what it is that you want?

Well you start with designing your IDEAL scenario.

What would your life and job look they if they were IDEAL.

Things you can do to help you figure it out:

  1. The Dream Work Wheel – Starting with the Dream Work Wheel gives you a good idea of your starting point or where you are right now in your job or career. It helps you to see the areas that you may need to work on. That Dream Work Wheel is broken down into things like “Passion”, “Purpose”, “Direction”, “Engagement”, “Work Hours”, etc that break your job down into specific categories that you can evaluate. Starting here gives you a good idea of the things you may want to focus on as you move on to the next exercises. Heres how to do it – Take the wheel and evaluate all the sections within it. Each section is numbered 1-10 with #1 being “not satisfied at all” and #10  being “extremely satisfied”. Critique each section of the wheel and color it in up to the number you gave it based on your satisfaction level. For example let’s say that you currently work nights and weekends and absolutely HATE IT because you aren’t able to spend time with your family. Then in the “Work Hours” section of the wheel you would score it a 1 (not satisfied at all) and color in that section of the wheel from the center up to the #1. Once you complete all the sections of the wheel you will have a good (visual) idea of the parts of your wheel that are out of balance. You can download the wheel (and another special tool) here ~~>Click Here to Download
  2. Your Be, Do, and Have Statement – This exercise will give you a good idea into the things you want moving forward. Heres how you do it – Take a sheet of paper and make 3 columns. On the top of column #1 write “Be”, column #2 write “Do” and the third column write “Have”. Now take some time and write down anything and everything that comes to mind when you look at those three columns. For example you could write down “A successful writer” or “A highly paid real estate agent” for your “Be” column. For your “Do” column you might have things like “Travel” or “Inspire Others”. For third column we usually see things like “A Oceanfront Mansion” or “Brand New Ferrari” but I urge you to go a little deeper. Material things are fine but what other things (like financial security or a job you love) come to mind?
  3. Your Dream Work Vision Board – This process is simple but sometimes it isn’t easy. Take some time and really find some powerful images and create a vision board for your dream job. Here’s How To Do It – Find appealing images (online or in magazines) that really represent what you want your IDEAL work to look like. Make sure these images create an emotional response in you. Images that make you say things out loud like “Sweet!”, “That’s awesome”, “I would love that” or “That’s what I’m taking about!”. Images that make you FEEL something when you see them. That way you know you are on the right track to creating something that resonates with you. Just remember that your dream job is much more than what you do. It is also where, when, why and how you do it as well as who you do it with so make sure you include images that paint the entire picture of your dream work.

Getting clear and knowing what your IDEAL looks like when you find it is the first step in finding your dream job.

Starting with these three exercises will give you an edge when it comes to finding your dream job and doing the work you love **IF** you take the time and effort to “do the work”.

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