Don’t Follow Your Passion…Do This Instead

Don’t follow your passion! There I said it. But wait… Why? And what should you do instead? Well let’s see here… This whole “follow your passion” is a tricky subject isn’t it? So today we’re gonna dig in and talk about one of the best tools that we use with our coaching clients when dealing with this advice…
DWP003: Betty Esperanza -Skateboards For Hope

In this episode of The Dream Work Project Podcast I talk to Betty Esperanza, the founder of Skateboards For Hope. Betty discusses her journey to find and pursue the works see loves. She reflects back on some of the skills she has, even at an early age, and how she has been able to “connect…
You Found Your Passion…Now What?

Congratulations! You found your passion! After what seems like an endless amount of searching you FINALLY found that thing (or things) that really FIRE YOU UP. So now what? What do you once you have found the thing that makes you so excited that you can’t sleep at night? Well in short….it depends. It depends really…