28 Random Signs That You Should Quit Your Job…Like Now!

28 Random Signs You Should Probably Quit Your Job…Like Now I talk to people almost everyday about how they feel about their jobs or careers. After a few interesting conversations this past week I thought I would just list some random thoughts about the most common signs I see and hear from people that need…
Are You Doing STUFF That Matters?
Are you doing STUFF that really MATTERS? We know that one of the factors of having a DREAM JOB is to have a way to help people in a meaningful way. We know that there is a direct correlation between having a fulfilling career and doing work that really matters. So my question to you…
Follow Your Passion? Or Follow The Money? The Answer Is Simple…

So let’s talk about another BIG MYTH that comes up when we discuss or contemplate finding and doing the work we love to do. One of the most common things that I hear from our coaching clients is they think there is a need to decide between doing work that they are truly passionate about…
Don’t Follow Your Passion…Do This Instead

Don’t follow your passion! There I said it. But wait… Why? And what should you do instead? Well let’s see here… This whole “follow your passion” is a tricky subject isn’t it? So today we’re gonna dig in and talk about one of the best tools that we use with our coaching clients when dealing with this advice…
(How To) Create A Vision Board For Your Dream Job Or Career

(How to) Create a Vision Board for Your Dream Job or Career Do you want to know one of the most powerful things you can do to find your dream job? Well since one of the most important things to do is to get clear on exactly what your dream job or career looks like…
You Have To Do The Work If You Want To Find The Work You Love

Let me fill you in on a little secret. Finding a job or career you love isn’t easy. This post is the result of a few recent conversations I have had about the process of finding or creating your dream work. It seems that some people have this misconception about how you go about finding it.…
My New Years Resolution For You

Well thats it! The holidays have finally come an gone. As the year came to an end I am sure you are like most people. You thought about how last 12 months have been and what you wanted for yourself during the next 12. And also like most people you probably have made some sort…
Find Your Purpose At Work – The Reality

How do you find your purpose at work? Nearly everyone I talk to wants to find their reason for doing what they do or their ultimate “why” in their life and their work. And they should! A big part of finding a job, career, or work that you really love involves finding what is meaningful to…
Why I named it the Dream “WORK” Project instead of the Dream “JOB” Project

When I first started thinking about what I wanted to name this site I had a difficult time. I knew that I really wanted to help people find a job or career that they were passionate about. I knew that I wanted to help them find a job or a career that kept them engaged…
DWP008: Helen Nurse From Tracy Chambers Vintage

Todays episode of the Dream Work Project Podcast features Helen Nurse of Tracy Chambers Vintage in Brooklyn, New York. Helen has a very interesting story about how she has been able to turn her passions into a job she loves and that fits her lifestyle. You can learn more about Tracy Chambers Vintage…