It is a well known fact that most people really don’t like their jobs.
As a matter of fact its the main reason we started this website.
The good news is that there are many ways to find and do the work you love.
One of the most popular suggestions that we make to out students it to become an intrapreneur.
Not familiar with the term?
An intrapreneur is someone who brings new ideas for products, programs, services and innovations into a company that he/she works for.
It is actually a great opportunity that most employees don’t even consider!
Becoming an intrapreneur just may be the perfect option for you if you know you need a change but going out on your own just isn’t an option for you.
By becoming intrapreneur you can really put yourself in a position to love your job again.
If you do it right you can have the ability to express your creativity, build your reputation and potentially make some impact…all while working for the same company you work for now.
But how do you actually become an intrapreneur?
Well the first thing you need to understand is that companies (just like yours) actually want employees with that entrepreneurial mind set.
They want employees with great ideas who want to get involved and do things that make the company better is some way.
Companies need to stay innovative to stay competitive so employees that take the initiative to step up with ideas or solutions that give the company an edge are almost always welcome.
So are you the “big thinker” or creative problem solver that your company is looking for?
If you are then the way to become an intrapreneur is probably a lot easier than you think.
Step 1 – Empathize – Start to look at things from your managers or the company point of view. What things stand out to you that need to be fixed? If you owned the company what are the problems you see that when fixed could have a positive impact on the company? Is there a new product or service that would help? How about a new process or system? What change can you recommend that will have the highest return?
Step 2 – Define Problems But Bring Solutions – Whatever you don’t just point out all of the problems you see within your company. Nothing is worse than bringing out a problem without following it up with a solution. Define specific problems and bring some well thought out solutions to the right person and watch the ball start to roll.
Step 3 – Implement – Bringing your idea or solution up is great but you need to do more. If your goal is to become an intrapreneur then make sure that your boss knows you want to help implement the solution. As a matter of fact part of your proposal should be something that includes you taking the lead or at least being involved.
Step 4 – Follow Through – This is a big one. If you take it upon yourself to suggest change in your organization then you cannot drop the ball here! If you suggested a solution you need to make sure you follow it through to the very end. My suggestion is that you find a problem or idea that resonates with you in a BIG way. The more personal the meaning the better. That way you have a vested interest in sticking with it until completion.
Step 5 – Deliver results and repeat – Document every step of the process and more importantly the payoff of what you have accomplished. If you deliver on the results your solution promised you should be in a great position to do more. Continue to look for ways to make positive change in your organization and make your value stand out.
Now at this point some of you may say “That sounds great but my company would never let me do something like that”.
Well if in fact that is the case (not just your assumption) then I would argue that you are employed by the wrong company!
This is your life we are talking about here! The life that is way too short to hate the work you do!
There a plenty of great companies out there to work for!
If you truly want to become an intraprenuer then get proactive.
Get out there and find one of the companies that are doing things that matter to you and go work for them.
Do so and you just may have found a way to love the work you do again!